Renaissance Drama - an Anthology of Plays and Entertainments 2E (Blackwell Anthologies)【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】
Renaissance Drama - an Anthology of Plays and Entertainments 2E (Blackwell Anthologies)This pioneering collection of non-Shakespearean Renaissance drama covers the full sweep of dramatic performances in the England Shakespeare knew. Newly edited from manuscript and quarto, all the major playwrights are here, among them Marlowe, Jonson, Middleton, and Webster. At the same time, the volume features plays, pageants, and entertainments not widely anthologized elsewhere, such as the coronation entries of Elizabeth I and Queen Anne, and Thomas Heywood 's A Woman Killed with Kindness.The second edition includes new emphasis on women as authors and subjects. More early material has also been added, such as Noah and The Second Shepherds' Play. Mary Sidney 's The Tragedy of Antony has been included in its entirety, as have John Marston 's The Malcontent and Ben Jonson 's The Masque of Queens. As before, extensive footnotes clarify special terms and hidden meanings, and introductions to each of the individual works highlight relevant socio-historical information. A general introduction recalls the cultural history of the Shakespearean age in early modern England.Dimensions: 24.6 x 16.8 x 5 centimetres (1.59 kg)このシェイクスピア以外のルネサンス様式のドラマの先駆的なコレクションは、シェークスピアが知っていたイングランドでの劇的なパフォーマンスの徹底的な調査をカバーしています。
同時に、Elizabeth IとQueen Anne、Thomas HeywoodのKindnessで殺された女性のコロネーションエントリなど、他の場所で広くアンソロジー化されていない演劇、セレナント、エンターテイメントを特集しています。
寸法:24.6 x 16.8 x 5センチメートル(1.59 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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